
From a galaxy far, far away

Humans, Stupid are Many.

Confusing are you. Stupid are many. Violent are many. Ignorant are many. No knowledge of the Force. Force is unknown to all.

Concentration you lack. Mindfulness you lack. Peace you lack.

Compassion, only a few know. Concern for others, only a few. Care for other species, only a few.

Abuse, detest I. Violence, detest I. War, detest I. Money and religion breed hatred, I think. No money have I, only knowledge.

Defend yourself, you must. But educate yourself, you must. Enlightenment comes, when it does. Correct behaviour benefits. Correct speech benefits. Correct action benefits. Correct concentration benefits.

Follow these words. Peace will come. Joy will come. Suffering will stop. A better life, will you have. Pass these words to you offspring, you must. Too many angry children, you have. Suffering, they will experience. As well as their victims.

Life, a journey it is. Make it a peaceful one, you will, if you try.

About Me

Short, I am, a green member of the Yoda Species, am I. Alien I am, to you earthlings. Desire, I have, to point out your stupidity. No gender have I. Your fascination with gender politics, baffling it is. Male and Female, you are (except hermaphrodites).

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