
From a galaxy far, far away

Muslim Religion, acceptable is it.

Islam, I believe, allows child rape, I have seen on Twitter. I know not why. As you might say in your tongue, immoral it is.

Childhood, sacred it is. All children must grow naturally. Wrong, are you all, if you destroy this. Penalties, you will pay. Now, or later.

Your term is paedophilia, as I understand. Wrong on all levels, is it. Religion, no excuse, is it. Tradition, no excuse, is it. Desire, no excuse, is it.

Vile humans do these things. Castrated, they must be. Enlightened people, they are not. Pond Slime, they are

This human raped this 9 year old girl, I am advised. Muslims call him a prophet. Warped, is this. Vile, is this. In terror, the girl must be. In pain, the girl must be.

Degerate, the man is. Al-insan Al Kamir, his new name is. Mohammed, his old name. He, 54 years, is he. She, 9 years, is she. Abhorrent, is he.

My piece, I have said.

About Me

Short, I am, a green member of the Yoda Species, am I. Alien I am, to you earthlings. Desire, I have, to point out your stupidity. No gender have I. Your fascination with gender politics, baffling it is. Male and Female, you are (except hermaphrodites).

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